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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm new here...
What exactly is a booster?

A booster is a parent/guardian of a student in the Heritage Hills Band.  You became a HHBB when your student signed up for band in the 7th grade!

What do boosters do?

We provide support in the form of volunteer time and money.  Both of these aspects are extremely important? Without volunteers we cannot raise the neccessary funds to support the Heritage Hills Band program or provide physical assistance in the form of uniform fittings, truck driving, feeding the band, etc.

When and where...
Do you need my help?

The short answer is now and everywhere!  Our volunteer coordinator can help you find your niche so that your time and talents have the greatest impact on our program.

We also require every family to work at least twice each season in concessions.

Why do we do this?

We do this to support our band students and staff.  While they are perfecting their shows, we are behind the scenes raising the funds necessary to provide everything they need.  We are also fitting uniforms, ordering meals, driving trucks and chaperoning trips.  It is a group effort to make it happen!!!

Do we REALLY need all this fundraising?
Where does the money go?

YES!  We really do!!  Each year, HHBB donates thousands of dollars for things like props, summer band and guard instructors, competition fees, travel expenses, new instruments and equipment.  Funds are also used for truck and trailer upkeep and insurance costs.   We know that fundraising isn't everyone's favorite thing... but it truly is necessary to allow our band to grow and succeed.

I want to volunteer...
Where do I sign up?

You can sign up to work games and events by clicking on Sign Up Genius on the main booster page, or by contacting our Communication Chairman.


Heritage Hills Band Boosters

P.O. Box 72

Santa Claus, IN  47579

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